Missing Persons Help

 Hope for the Best, Prepare for the Worst, and  NEVER GIVE-UP!
Home      Step 4. Checking Whereabouts, Home, Job, etc

Step 4. Check their whereabouts, their home, job, hospitals, etc

One of the first things you want to do when you suspect a loved one has gone missing is check their home. NOTE:  If you do not live in the area of the home, try asking a neighbor or friend in that area to go to the home for you. Or…contact the police in that area and ask them to perform “ A well being check “

If the home shows signs of forced entry or violence call the police immediately and do not enter the premise. 

If that is not the situation proceed with CAUTION and enter the home: DO NOT touch anything or move items. Look, but do not touch anything you do not have to.  Even the door knobs. Use your thumb and index finger to open the door rather then grasping the whole knob.  And then don’t touch the interior side of the door.  The police might be able to get a print from areas like that.

4.1 Keep track of what you did touch and your observations in the notebook.  By the way, unless there were signs of violence or foul play, the police will be hesitant to
      get involved if the missing person was considered a healthy teen or adult.  Even so theses steps could help convince the police that an full investigation is needed. 

4.2 Look for calendars or notes and any other item that might confirm where your missing loved one might be.

4.3 Call their cell phone, office, home, etc and see if they have an updated message or anything that might indicate where they went, when and they were last seen and by
      whom, what were they wearing, and did they mention additional plans for that day or night.

   4.3.1 When you call, leave messages, send a text, contact their family and close friends, their work.

   4.3.2 Ask to speak to one or more of their coworkers that sat next to them or near them or even their supervisor.

   4.3.3 Ask the people you call about the last time they saw or spoke to them and if anything was said about going out of town etc.

   4.3.4 Record the time and context of the calls in your notebook.

4.4  Determine if their car or anything else is missing.  Record it in your notebook.

   4.4.1 Try to determine what they might have been wearing?  Record it.

4.5 Call the hospitals and shelters in your area and ask if your loved one or any one without identification, but fitting their description has checked in.